4.2.1 Medical deontology

Are We Truthfully the “Good Doctors”? The Forgotten Science of Medical Deontology!


As the medicine is technologically evolving, there is a paradigm shift towards the protocol based practice, so that there is very little margin for error. Sadly, in the pursuit of ‘perfection’, ‘standardization’ and ‘quality’, the clinicians tend to forget, that we are not dealing with the ‘mechanical objects’, but living beings, who:

Because the process becoming more and more complex, the attitude on the part of doctors, while dealing with their patients/ their relatives is of, divulge only what is ‘ needed to know’. This ‘lack of communication’ can be considered as one of the main causes of ‘litigation’. As this vicious process of self- perpetuating and self-destructive hostilities, is relentlessly unfolding, it’s becoming time for the science of “ Medical Deontology”.


At its core are the intricately inter-related 3 sub divisions: 

  1. Medical Jurisprudence or also known as Forensic Medicine, by some, can be defined as the science which applies the principles and practice of the different branches of medicine to the elucidation of doubtful questions in courts of justice. According to some authorities, it is used in a more extensive sense and also comprehends Medical Police, or those medical precepts which may prove useful to the legislature or the magistracy.
  2. Medical ethics: teaching of morals, Medical ethics is defined as a system of moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine. As a scholarly discipline, medical ethics encompasses its practical application in clinical settings as well as work on its history, philosophy, theology, and sociology
  3. Medical hodegetics; literally means, guidelines for the study of medicine. The guidelines which cover the ideal principles which must be learnt while studying medicine as were once envisioned by the ancient “Fathers of the Medicine.’

So as medical professionals, when we come in contact with the patient, we are governed by the principles and practices involving the above-mentioned three areas. Medical deontology includes problems of observing medical confidentiality, the problem of the extent of the medical worker’s responsibility for the life and health of the patient, and problems of relationships of medical workers to each other. 

Thus the “Triad of Medical Deontology” is understanding the interpersonal dynamics between the three players involved:

Historical aspect

This science has its roots very deep from ancient times. 

Principles of Medical deontology/Ethics

  1. PRIMUM NON NOCERE (Latin) - FIRST, DO NO HARM – this maxim is the main ethical principle in medicine.
  2. Six of the values that commonly apply to medical ethics discussions are:

 NB. Finance: It has been argued that mainstream medical ethics is biased by the assumption of a framework in which individuals are not simply free to contract with one another to provide whatever medical treatment is demanded, subject to the ability to pay. 

We can add some principles such as:

Prof. Mridul M. Panditrao, Consultant Anesthesiologist Grand Bahama, The Bahamas

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