
Er zijn tal van denkbare obstakels die voor professionals zowel een probleem als een mogelijkheid tot leren vormen, zoals: 
Lack of trust or agreement
- Lack of trust
- Unwillingness to accept things
- Disagreement on goals of interaction
- Disbelief
Too many problems
- A million problems or complaints
- I spent more time than I wanted to
- On the way out, he/she said, "Oh, by the way. . ."
Feeling distressed
- I felt depressed after interaction
- There were times when I didn't know what to do next.
- I felt angry after interaction
- I felt overwhelmed.
Lack of adherence
- My instructions weren’t followed
- My solutions were denied
- He/she did not accept responsibility for his/her own activities
Lack of understanding
- There was no clear history
- We couldn't understand each other
- I couldn't understand what he/she wanted to tell me
Demanding/controlling behaviour
- He/she was trying to manipulate me.
- He/she was too controlling.
- He/she took over my responsibilies
- The social network was demanding and complaining.
Special problems (alcohol, drugs, chronic pain)
- The drug abuse made it difficult to communicate
- The alcohol abuse made it difficult to communicate
- The physical condition made it difficult to get a grip on the problems
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